One voice is powerful, but a community of voices is unstoppable.

The #1 Jewish creator network

Amplify your growth

We apply our data-driven approach and decades of experience to help you grow your audience, reach and impact.

Join a community

Connect with like-minded content creators who, like you, are passionate about sharing the best of Judaism and Israel with the world.

Access world class production

Our team of producers, writers, editors, designers, animators and data scientists will help fill in the gaps you need to get your best work done.

Level up

Live sessions with industry experts that will focus on building and honing the skills you need to amplify your work.

Tailored to your needs

Jewish and Israel content expertise

Pre-production and post-production support

Focus on your strengths

From the makers of Unpacked


video views


social media engagements

Premium Jewish and Israel content since 2008

Join Amplified.

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I’m creating on

Amplified values creator independence and diversity of opinion; our goal is not to make Amplified members like us. Rather, we help you become a more successful version of yourself.

I have some questions.

Amplified is a program that is designed to help content creators from around the world, who are aligned with OpenDor Media’s mission, grow audiences, increase impact and amplify their success, all within a community of similarly impassioned creators.

You should join if you’re interested in getting peer and professional support, growing your audience and joining a community of the most talented content creators from across the world.

The Amplified program provides tools and resources to help you grow your audiences; from master classes on improving content creation, to access to skilled writers, editors, strategists and animators who will help you improve your output. The program is designed to build your skills and give you tools to help you be a better you.

The Amplified program does not cost anything for content creators; however, we will need access to your metrics to measure growth and impact. There will also be occasional times when the members of the Amplified program will be asked to share content from Unpacked, OpenDor Media’s premier brand.

While you will not be paid directly, we will cover the costs of the services and tools you may need to improve your content. This includes the use of writers, editors and other experts. The levels of investment will vary depending on assessment and need.

Amplified values the independence and diversity of opinion of the creators in the program; our goal is to help you become a more successful version of yourself. You can and should continue to make the content that your audience loves.

All content created by you for your channels remains your content. Amplified will not take ownership of your content.

Amplified values diversity of backgrounds, opinions and points of view. Our intention is to build a community that reflects the broad spectrum of voices of today’s generation of Jews and allies.

Amplified is a division of OpenDor Media, a Jewish non-profit media company that is committed to using media to engage with today’s generation of Jews to help them connect to their identity and story. We are funded by people and foundations who care deeply about today’s generation and know that media has the power to reach and impact more people in more places than ever before.